Unveiling Mohenjo Daro: A Journey Through Time and Mystery

Mohenjo Daro:

Introduction to Mohenjo Daro   Mohenjo Daro is a very interesting and an eye opener of what the Indus Valley people were capable of. This site in the territory of the present Pakistan would remain one of the most intact and, therefore, informative discoveries of the twentieth century. Discovered by the Indian archaeologist R. D. … Read more

Revealing the Secrets of the Historical Petra Kingdom

Petra, Jordan

Introduction to the Petra Kingdom   Petra Kingdom is also referred as Nabataean Kingdom is a evidence of an ancient civilization that resides in southern part of Jordan. According to the geographical location of Petra that is situated in combination with desert canyons and mountainous regions, the geographical setting of the site contributed significantly to … Read more

Colosseum in Italy: A Timeless Icon of History and Architecture

Colosseum in Italy: A Timeless Icon of History and Architecture

Introduction to the Colosseum: A Historical Marvel   Another important architectural creation of Rome is the so called Colosseum – an impressive structure, which still exists and symbolizes the cultural and historical heritage of ancient Rome. It was built in the capital of Italy, Rome, and was initiated in AD 72 by Emperor Vespasian then … Read more

Mount Everest: Conquering Earth’s Highest Peak

mount Everest

Introduction to Mount Everest Mount Everest, dubbed as the tallest mountain on the face of the earth stands majestically at 17, 280 feet on above the sea level. Overlooking the mystic range of the Himalayas, this mountain is located at the border of Nepal with the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. The culmination – man’s … Read more

Top 5 Tallest Mountains in the World

a helicopter flying over a row of houses

Introduction to the World’s Tallest Mountains   Forests, rocks and especially mountains are known to be an interesting object of great importance to explorers, travelers, and scholars. The largeness and magnificent appearance of the world’s tallest mountains has this effect on the people; they compel man to do more. In particular, when we speak about … Read more